Paul James (academic)

Paul James (b 1958, Melbourne) is Professor of Globalization and Cultural Diversity at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, and a prolific writer on globalisation and social theory.



After studying politics at the University of Melbourne James was a lecturer in the Department of Politics at Monash University, Melbourne before moving to RMIT in the early 2000s.

At RMIT he has led and secured funding for several initiatives that have unified social scientists around key research themes. These include the Global Cities Institute (of which he is current Director, 2006-present), the United Nations Global Compact Cities Programme (of which he is current Director, 2007-present) and most notably the Globalism Institute (Founding Director, 2002-2007; now, Globalism Research Centre[1]), that brought well-known scholars including Tom Nairn, Manfred Steger and Heikki Patomäki to RMIT.[2]

James lives in North Fitzroy, Melbourne, with Stephanie Trigg, a Professor at the University of Melbourne, and their son.

Major Contributions

James is known as a theorist of globalization, particularly how nation-states alter under an emergent level of global integration. Using a distinctive comparative method called 'constitutive abstraction' or 'engaged theory', he has contributed to theories of culture and social formation, and also studies contemporary politics particularly in Australia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea. He is author or editor of twenty-four books, including a Sage Publications series on globalization. The Sage series 'Central Currents in Globalization' is the largest collection of writings by key figures in the field of globalization ever assembled into a single collection (see below under Books Edited). He co-edits Arena Journal, a publication concerned with engaged theory.


Key Publications

Books Authored

Books Edited
